It's been awhile since I last posted so I figured I'd update y'all while I have the time. I feel like I'm constantly going, whether it's to school, work, or making time for family, friends, and Dylan, I'm always on the go! The last time I posted, we had just found out we are having a baby girl, so much has changed since that post. I've actually gained weight and am now noticeably pregnant and I love when people stare and ask when I'm due. I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything is going great! Baby girl is healthy and growing, she is very active. I've gotten to feel her kick since about 23 weeks, it wasn't frequent movements then but now she kicks and moves all day long. Dylan has gotten to feel her a few times, the first time he felt her move was after he was talking to her, it was like she heard daddy's voice! She kicks almost every single time my mom talks to her but I talk to her before I go to bed at night and she moves a lot, it's like our mommy/daughter bonding time. I've started counting kicks and paying close attention to her movement just to reassure myself that everything is A okay, I get nervous when I don't feel her for awhile but my mom said she's probably just sleeping, I guess it's just a mother's natural instinct to make sure her baby is okay. Lately, I've been very emotional and I get stressed easily which is not healthy for me or the baby but who isn't emotional while their pregnant?! It's definitely a reoccurring symptom that the books warned me about. It's not easy being pregnant, I've had to give up a lot of things recently and it's hard to deal with. Most people who have never been pregnant don't understand how a person feels when they can't go out and they're at home alone while all their friends go out and do fun things. It's something I'm getting used to and I think I'll be more okay with it when I have the company of my little angel after she arrives.
The next couple months are going to be hectic so a couple weeks ago me and Dylan had probably our last getaway weekend before she will be born! I know we're a couple months away but we have a lot of things coming up and there is no time for an us weekend before January. In the next couple months, we have the baby shower, Thanksgiving, finals, my brother's wedding, another baby shower, Christmas, New Years, possible diaper shower, school starts, then my due date! All this mixed in with school, finals, work, being pregnant, and a social life is going to be a lot but hopefully it'll go by fast and she'll be here in no time. My baby shower is next Saturday and I'm so excited to see all my friends and family and see what things Brooklyn is getting. Once we have her stuff we plan on setting up my room and officially making it a baby room, our room! AHHHHH!!
I've started my two week appointments so in two weeks I go back and I'll try to start updated after every appointment! I took a picture for the monthly picture but it's taken me a little while to update it but here it is:
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